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  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   14 years 3 months ago
    Was out today on 3 Lakes Trail-blue blazes. You can walk from 301 to Canopus creek but there was no safe place to ford. Creek looks like small river complete with rapids with all the rain. Lots of downed trees. Hiked back up, then took the AT to the intersection of the 3 Lakes and AT. Here you will find a sign saying the blue trail (3 lakes) is closed due to unsafe trail conditions. Sign should be by 301! The AT also has some downed trees which you have to use caution getting around/over.
  • Reply to: Hike Recommendations   14 years 3 months ago
    You can also see NYC from the Big Hill shelter on the SBM Trail.
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   14 years 3 months ago
    Thank you for the info- a shame, as the view there is quite nice. Would it be possible to get the trail "sanctioned" somehow?
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   14 years 3 months ago
    Stahahe High Peak is not a park sanctioned trail and thus we neither maintain it nor are we allowed to mark or clear it. In fact there was not long ago an additional trail to the peak and the Park asked us to mark it out, which we did. Sadly, at that time the rock overlook was also defaced with paint . Effforts to erase the graffiti were only moderately successful: ordinary paint removers are not ecologically appropriate. The trail dead-ends and it is better to not lead people to the site. The trail is also rather difficult to follow at one point and inexperienced hikers might become lost. Further, with summer growth the trail is often quite closed-in. At times persons unknown trim some of the trail. If caught doing so by the park authorities there would likely be an unpleasant result. The Trail Conference hiking maps show all maintained trails clearly and also show most unmaintained trails- clearly defined as such, and woods roads as a matter of map accuracy and guidance for locational aid or emergency routes.
  • Reply to: Hike Recommendations   14 years 3 months ago
    I am currently working on a new, revised edition of the Harriman Trails guidebook by Bill Myles.  The new edition should be available in June.  The previous (1999) edition is out of print.
  • Reply to: Hike Recommendations   14 years 3 months ago
    I don't know about the trail or trails that you might have taken as a scout, but based upon your description of the view from where you camped, and the fact that there was a shelter near by, I'd have to guess that you camped near the West Mountain Shelter. This shelter has the best view in the park and it is the only one that you can see NYC from with clear skies.
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   14 years 3 months ago
    There were two blowdowns that need attention about a mile North of the Landings Road. Will email photos separately. Jules Papp Several others have been remedied already!
  • Reply to: General and Off Topic   14 years 3 months ago

    today Sunday 3/28 near LP/St johns church:

    i LOST 1 pair of black diamond trekking poles about 430pm. my blue subaru was parked in front of the barn where the pot luck was held and i left the poles near the car. i came out and they were gone

    i FOUND 1 pair of leki trekking poles about 130pm near the path across from st johns church that heads into the long path.

    contact me directly [email protected] if you have either lost the lekis or found the black diamonds!  thanks susan 



  • Reply to: Meetup/Ride Share   14 years 3 months ago
    If the weather and my schedule cooperate, I hope to hike in Cold Spring this Friday, April 2. Is anyone interested in joining me? I'm a fairly fast hiker, but I'm assuming the trail condition will slow me down a bit. I should be in Cold Spring around 11 am. Let me know.
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   14 years 3 months ago
    Thank you, very helpful. I hope to hike this Friday. If I do, I'll report back on conditions.