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  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   14 years 1 month ago
    This is a good idea, but the trail shelters have alot of history behind them and I don't think that it would be economically feasible, nor sensitive to local history, to dismantle them. It seems impossible to police this situation. I am beginning to believe that it is not worth the risk to camp in a spot that is being baited for bear and I have begun camping in sites that were established long ago . . . marked by old fire rings. It may not be "legal" to do this, but when practicing LNT, I think using these long lost old sites is definitely the better option. A bear canister tossed a hundred yards from my site and I'm alone and safe. Recently heard coyotes at night!!!
  • Reply to: General and Off Topic   14 years 1 month ago
    On Saturday, May 22, we lost two green Oasis Kwencher canteens on top of Mt. Taurus. They are no longer made so we would love to have them back if anyone found them.
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   14 years 1 month ago
    "the Bear Mountain section of the trail, used by a half-million people a year" That adds up to 1,370 people using the AT at Bear Mtn each and every day of the year. Rain, snow, whatever. On many off season weekdays you would be lucky to find 30 cars in the parking lot and I'd guess half the visitors don't hike at all. The true number of Bear Mtn AT Trail users in a year is?
  • Reply to: Hike Recommendations   14 years 1 month ago
    Well, we did it! I took my 12 and 8-year-old with me. While it was definitely challenging, we made it. I wouldn't recommend this loop to young hikers. It was quite steep and rocky. By the end of the hike, they were quite done, but certainly not complaining. We saw an abundance of wildlife and took on the beauty of the area. It was a great day!!
  • Reply to: Hike Recommendations   14 years 1 month ago
    I am looking to take my son hiking. I vaguely remember hiking the Green Pond Boston mile loop in college. (Loooong time ago) The description says it is 4.3 miles. Is that the whole loop? Would the steep sections be too much for him? thanks ! Jen :D
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   14 years 1 month ago
    Tim, we need to chat on the phone. I have section hiked the LP northbound and thru hiked the Vermont Long Trail southbound. I will email you with my contact information. Andy
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   14 years 1 month ago
    Hey, my name is Tim, I'm from Rochester, NY. I leave in two weeks to attempt a north to south thru hike of the Long Path. Planning on spending about 4 weeks on the trail, a few days off in NYC to rest, and heading up to VT for a north bound hike of the Long Trail. Any support you can offer about blow downs, trail closings, cheap eats, short side trips, or a place to rest in the no camping areas would be truely appreciated. Wish me luck! Tim [email protected]
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   14 years 1 month ago
    The only solution I can think of for this problem is to do away with the shelters. Maybe replace each shelter with 4 tent platforms. Then it won't be as convenient for the party people but hikers would have a place to set up their tent.
  • Reply to: Hike Recommendations   14 years 1 month ago
    yeah i forgot to ask you about that, thanks for the help again!
  • Reply to: Hike Recommendations   14 years 1 month ago
    We talked about this on the phone last night ,correct?