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  • Reply to: Meetup/Ride Share   1 year 4 months ago
    Is there any hiker meet up in Ulster County, NY? In new Palt or Kingston???
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   1 year 4 months ago
    The ladder leading to Raccoon Brook Hill peak is in bad condition especially near the top of the ladder. Wood is rotting away.
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   1 year 8 months ago
    I was entering the park on the Pine Meadow Trail from it's trail head on Seven Lakes Dr. About .15mi in from the road I followed a clear path blazed with ribbons in the SE direction going uphill to find a large area around and north of South Hill heavily developed into mountain bike trails. Features including split stones, embankments, numerous areas with significant modification of the landscape, wooden ladders and ramps, labeled with amateur signage. Two people with tools and pick axes dropped their implements and walked away into the woods as I approached. Clearly this course is not permitted on state property. I walked over 2 miles of new trail with GPS on and there was still plenty of trail left to explore. The area was largely contained to about 100 acres from Pine Grove Lake neighborhood to Seven Hills Trail, and South Hill.
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   1 year 9 months ago
    Beware: According to comments in the Far Out(Guthooks)app. Since mid-July an emotional disturbed man has been targeting hikers at the Wild Cat shelter on the Appalachian trail on a regular basis. The most recent report occurred this past weekend(9/25). I have not been in Wild Cat shelter area in about 10 months and have no 1st hand knowledge of these incidents. The comments in the app tell of verbal abuse, loud music at 2-5am, shining flashlights into tents, banging on the shelter with sticks and intimidation. The comments paint the person as a troubled individual that has issues with hikers. Please be careful in this region. Hopefully, this post will spur action to eliminate this seemingly known danger that has been occurring for months.
  • Reply to: Hiking with Dogs   1 year 9 months ago
    I agree. I pickup and pack out what my pet leaves behind. I find it absurd that owners bag the poo then leave it behind on the ground. Why bag it then??? And to the hiker that bagged his pets poo then hung it in a tree... Poo poo to you sir.
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   2 years 11 months ago
    The Reeves Meadow Visitor Center, as well as the Visitor Center/Bookstore along the Parkway, are now being operated by the Appalachian Mountain Club. The visitor center, as well as the bathrooms, is usually open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. However, on the Saturday in question, an employee called out sick and another had to drive 65 miles to cover. Also, there have been some mechanical issues with the bathrooms that sometimes require the bathrooms to be temporarily closed.
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   2 years 11 months ago
    I checked with the PIPC. The center is now taken over by the AMC as many other spots in the park as well. The woman told me that they should be open soon but I'll take a wait and see.
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   2 years 11 months ago
    I was at the center over the weekend and it was closed tight. INo water or bathrooms available either. Is it due to Covid? When will it open again?
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   3 years 1 week ago
    From the map, it appears that the mile-long route between Friday and the Cornell-Wittenberg-Slide Trail is an easy bushwhack, as it is nearly flat. Although I have not done this traverse in 30 years, when I hiked it in 1991, it was one of the very toughest hikes I've ever done. At least then, the terrain was covered with thick spruce, and it took us about two hours to cover this distance of one mile. I have not been been back since, but would highly doubt that any kind of a herd path or trail exists to connect Friday with the Wittenberg-Slide-Cornell Trail. Unless you're looking for a real adventure, I would not recommend this "great short cut."
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   3 years 1 week ago
    Hello. Is there a connection/turn-off on the Slide-Cornell trail to approach Friday mountain? It seems like there would be and I'm planning a through hike and this would be a great short cut. Thanks!